Adolph Hitler, writing in Mein Kampf, noted that the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.
Hitler summarizes rather well the continuing appeal that propaganda holds for politicians, religious zealots, radio talk show hosts and suchlike creatures around the world.
Folks building a private library about this subject generally take one of two approaches: they collect books that examine directly the phenomena and its uses...
...or they collect books which actually utilize the techniques documented above...
If folks building a private library about this subject have sufficient time and financial resources, they may collect both types of books, as well as posters and other materials relevant to the subject:
Assembling a private library of such books and related materials not only creates a valuable resource for future scholars (should one choose to so dispose of one's library), but also has the added benefit of somewhat inoculating oneself from the pernicious effects of this phenomena, to which one is exposed 24/7 in today's global miasma of infotainment....
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