It is fiendishly difficult to compose a top ten list of just about anything. Think of all of the great books that you've read, all of the great movies that you've seen, all of the great meals that you've eaten, all of the great places that you've visited...then try to winnow those favorites down to just ten. It's not easy! That's why, when our friends at approached us about putting together a list of our ten favorite book blogs, we were more than a little disconcerted.
We can put forward very good reasons why just about every blog in our Bookish BlogRoll (see the right hand column of this blog) should be on such a list. Unfortunately, our marching orders were clear: no more than ten!
So, to all of those wonderful blogs that did not make the list of our Top Ten Book Blogs, we apologize. And to our equally wonderful subscribers: we strongly encourage you to visit the other 68 blogs on our Bookish BlogRoll as well!
Before we sign off, we also would like to thank the good folks at Online School for including The Private Library in their list of 100 Best Book Blogs for History Buffs. We are humbled and honored to be included.
Tomorrow, we look at famous denizens of private and public libraries worldwide, and the books that folks love to collect about them....
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