We have repeatedly suggested that a good bibliography or two (or three or four...) is an essential component to building a private library. If nothing else, a good bibliography allows one to better grasp the enormity of the task that one may be embarking upon when attempting to build a private library in certain subject areas. One such area is food & drink:
Tens of thousands of books about food and drink are published every year, in dozens of languages. These books cover everything from farm-to-table: agriculture and gardening, aquaculture, BBQ, beekeeping, beer-making, bread-making, brewing, candy, canning, cheese, chocolate, coffee, cooking in general, fast food, frozen food, health and diet, herbs & spices, junk food, regional specialties (Chinese, Italian, etc.), slow food, tea, wine, vegetarianism, even the operation of restaurants.
And that's only counting the books that are published for sale in bookstores. There are thousands more that are published privately, by church groups, schools and the like (often as fundraisers):
If ever there was a subject for which the mini collection was important, it's food & drink. Tomorrow, we will look at building some mini collections of titles about food & drink....
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